As the Principal of River Nile School (RNS), I am humbled to lead an institution that embraces diversity and champions the resilience and courage that each refugee and asylum seeker brings to our school. Recognizing the immense bravery and determination displayed by these individuals in escaping harm and persecution, we aim to ensure our young women receive quality education, that builds their independence and increases their future opportunities.  

At RNS, we recognise that our young women have experiences and needs are unique. We facilitate a personalised learning approach, employing a specialised English as an Additional Language (EAL) Applied-Learning pedagogy. We employ trauma informed practices to ensure that our young women have an individualised approach to their complex history and trauma. We support our students in developing a career pathway that is tailored to their skills and interests and can build long term financial security.  

Our mission is to empower young refugee and asylum seeker women through education. We believe that, by doing so, we contribute significantly to breaking down barriers created by systemic racism, privilege, and patriarchy.  

Charles Hertzog 

Principal River Nile School