Enrolment Overview


River Nile School actively invites enrolments from students at any point through the school year. In allocating student places subject to availability, we give priority to students who:

Have a refugee or asylum seeker background

  • Are young women aged between 15 and 21 years

  • Are educationally disengaged (not attending school or another training program)

  • Are not in full-time work

  • Motivated to undertake our VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning) Program

Many of our students have struggled in classes at mainstream Australian schools.  We encourage schools to consider sending those students to us for a semester or two to identify and work to overcome gaps in their skills.

We deliver our VCAL program over a two year period but are happy for students to come to us for shorter periods of time to improve their basic literacy and numeracy skills and then return to their home school.



Potential students are welcome to visit our school to discuss what we offer, between 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday, during school terms. To make an appointment, telephone (03) 9329 8425 or email admin@rivernileschool.vic.edu.au